Research Streams

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Several ACRI scientists are working on understanding the mechanisms that underlie the key cellular activities that are important for cancer cell growth. Our researchers are currently investigating the regulation of gene expression and how this is changed in cancer cells, with specific focuses on metastatic breast cancer and kidney cancer. In addition, our researchers are designing and testing new drugs that interfere with these activities that are critical for cancer cell growth.

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Atlantic Cancer Research Institute 
Pavillon Hôtel-Dieu
35, Providence Street
Moncton, NB E1C 8X3 Canada
Tel.: 506-862-7512
Fax.: 506-862-7571

The Atlantic Cancer Research Institute

 (ACRI) is a non-profit organization founded in late 1998 and housed at the Dr. Georges-L.-Dumont University Hospital Centre in Moncton. Thanks to its unique expertise, ACRI has become a true centre of excellence in cancer research.


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