Left to right: Vincent Bourgeois, Gaston Losier, Ronald Martin, Denise Vick, Martin Latulippe, Pascal Melanson, Gisèle Levesque, Jean-Marc Brideau, Yves Daigle. Missing: Amber Richards

As part of the 2012 World Wine and Food Expo, the group "A Twenty for Hope", in collaboration with NB Liquor, World Wine & Food Expo and the Tree of Hope, held their annual draw for a Wine Cellar partially filled with 100 bottles. The group was pleased to announce that they raised $32,000 for Cancer Research at ACRI. The donation was presented at the "Tree of Hope" Radiothon campaign on November 30, 2012.

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Atlantic Cancer Research Institute 
Pavillon Hôtel-Dieu
35, Providence Street
Moncton, NB E1C 8X3 Canada
Tel.: 506-862-7512
Fax.: 506-862-7571

The Atlantic Cancer Research Institute

 (ACRI) is a non-profit organization founded in late 1998 and housed at the Dr. Georges-L.-Dumont University Hospital Centre in Moncton. Thanks to its unique expertise, ACRI has become a true centre of excellence in cancer research.


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